Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe and debilitating mental health disorder that affects approximately 2% of children, adolescents and adults. Those who suffer from OCD are troubled by frequent intrusive thoughts (obsessions), and excessive repetitive behaviours (compulsions). OCD causes significant distress and can be extremely time consuming. Common symptoms of OCD include:
Contamination fears associated with excessive hand washing and cleaning
Worries about contracting a certain illness or disease
Fears of something bad happening to themselves or others, associated with frequent checking, repeating, and/or tapping compulsions
Fear of being responsible for something terrible happening, or accidentally hurting someone
Worries about being perfect, and taking lots of time to make things “neat” or “even”
Repetitive habits the person feels they have to do to get things “just right”
Treatment guidelines for OCD recommend early intervention, and, fortunately, the majority of OCD sufferers respond well to current talking treatments.