Exposure Challenge Homework Handout
This 1-page PDF can be used as a homework handout for clients practicing exposure therapy e.g., for OCD or an anxiety disorder. The handout includes space for the client to record their fears, followed by any new learning acquired from practicing the homework challenge. Included is a section for stickers or ticks for each day of the week the task is practiced. Suitable for kids, teens and young adults.
This 1-page PDF can be used as a homework handout for clients practicing exposure therapy e.g., for OCD or an anxiety disorder. The handout includes space for the client to record their fears, followed by any new learning acquired from practicing the homework challenge. Included is a section for stickers or ticks for each day of the week the task is practiced. Suitable for kids, teens and young adults.
This 1-page PDF can be used as a homework handout for clients practicing exposure therapy e.g., for OCD or an anxiety disorder. The handout includes space for the client to record their fears, followed by any new learning acquired from practicing the homework challenge. Included is a section for stickers or ticks for each day of the week the task is practiced. Suitable for kids, teens and young adults.