Using virtual reality in exposure therapy
Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) transports people to their feared situation to create new learning.
Why exposure works
Many people with anxiety avoid seeing a therapist who does exposure therapy because they are afraid or unsure of what it will involve. Here we explain how exposure therapy actually works.
Warning signs a child may be suffering from OCD
…it can be difficult to differentiate OCD from other anxiety disorders, particularly when children are reluctant or embarrassed to discuss their obsessive thoughts.
Little-known subtypes of childhood OCD
“…there are many other symptoms of OCD, such that one sufferer will rarely present with the same symptoms as another. The presentations we see for childhood OCD are diverse, with children reporting many different “strange” or “bizarre” obsessions that trouble them. “
Is treatment for childhood OCD effective when offered remotely?
It is pretty widely accepted that psychological treatment is the recommended treatment for children and adolescents with OCD or anxiety disorders. However, many families find it difficult to access specialist psychological treatment for a variety of reasons, including their geographical location.